Record number of key buyers attend 2024 TFWA World Exhibition & Conference
TFWA World Exhibition & Conference 2024 welcomed a record number of buyers and landlords to the show floor. A total of 2,861 came to Cannes this year, a rise of 4% on the 2023 number, which was already up by a significant 15% on the previous year. 141 landlord companies attended including over 80 international airports, with airlines, cruise and ferry companies also strongly represented. Many top travel retailers came with considerably larger delegations than previous years.
Welt-Sepsis-Tag 2024 am 13. September in Berlin
Weltweit sterben täglich zehntausende Menschen an einer Sepsis, dem schwersten Verlauf einer Infektion. Am 13. September 2024 steht die Welt erneut unter dem Zeichen des Welt-Sepsis Tages. Unter dem Motto: 'Sepsis geht uns alle an' lädt die Sepsis Stiftung ein, sich den Aktionen und Initiativen im Kampf gegen Sepsis anzuschließen. Unterstützt wird die Veranstaltung, durch die Global Sepsis Alliance, der European Sepsis Alliance und der Kampagne 'Deutschland erkennt Sepsis'. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Generaldirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) und Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach haben erneut die Schirmherrschaft übernommen.
MIPCOM CANNES To Spotlight Donald Trump’s Rise Through Reality
‘Apprentice in Wonderland’ Author Ramin Setoodeh in Special Session examining the role of
TV series The Apprentice ahead of the 2024 US Presidential Election
"So, do you think I would have been President without The Apprentice? I say yes. But some
people say no. Many smart people say no." Donald Trump.