Today´s Date - Monday, October 21, 2024  

NEWSBROKER® Public Relations e.U.
Zieglergasse 8/3
A-1070 Vienna

VAT Registration Number: ATU 60640701
Trade Register: FN 289007k Vienna
Chief Executive Officer: Petra Steinke M.A.

Tel: +43 (0)1/ 416 415 9
Fax: +43 (0)1/ 405 464 0777

The content is the property and responsibility of NEWSBROKER® Public Relations e.U.


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On this website you are not permitted to change and / or remove copyright information and / or brand indicators and / or any other details.

Liability Exclusion
The webpages also contain hyperlinks to websites maintained by third parties. NEWSBROKER®expressly declines any responsibility for the set-up and content of the linked pages and rules out any liability whatsoever. The website providers are themselves responsible for the content of the linked pages. No guarantee is given that the linked, third-party websites are accurate, complete or up-to-date.
NEWSBROKER®expressly declares that the links, at the time of insertion, were free from illegal content. This applies to all the hyperlinks on the NEWSBROKER®website and for the entire content of the pages accessible via the Newsticker links we provide.
NEWSBROKER®retains the right at all times to change these website provisions by updating this page.

Brands, product attributes and company emblems
NEWSBROKER®is registered with the Austrian Patent and Marks office in Vienna, A-1200 Vienna.
NEWSBROKER® is registered with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the International Register of Marks maintained under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol and is protected under competition law and for that reason may not be utilised in any way whatsoever by users of this website.
All of the product names, product designations and logos are the property of the respective legal owners and subject to the appropriate protection provisions.

Website data protection provisions
NEWSBROKER®respects the privacy of all visitors to our website. These data protection provisions list the information, which NEWSBROKER®is able to collect from you and the purposes for which we use it.
NEWSBROKER®saves and processes information which can be used to reveal indiviudals' identity (name, address, telephone number or e-mail address [personal data] ) only within the framework of the current legal provisions. This means that NEWSBROKER®may collect, process and use your personal data where this is necessary to use services provided on the website.
NEWSBROKER®does not collect any personal data via the website which you have not provided voluntarily. We take precautions to ensure the security of your personal data. The data are, of course, treated confidentially and protected conscientiously against loss, destruction, adulteration, manipulation and unauthorised access or unauthorised disclosure. It is not our intention, either now or in the future, to sell, transmit or market personal data to third parties.
When you access our website, non-personal information is automatically collected (e.g. the internet browser and operating system used, the domain name of the website from which you gained access, number of visitors, average visiting time, pages consulted). We only use this information for internal statistical purposes.

Copyright © 2003 - 2012 NEWSBROKER® Public Relations e.U. All rights reserved.