We will keep you informed!
Before we contact reporters, we work hard to understand their interests, what they've already covered, and how our clients can be helpful in offering new information on subjects that are timely and relevant.
One of the ways we do that is by maintaining an up-to-date database of reporters who want to track our clients, noting what it is that interests them the most, and how they'd like to be contacted by us in the future (e.g. e-mail, phone, fax, etc.).
If you are a member of the media and would like to receive information on our clients, you can register for our online distribution service.
Just complete the sections below and indicate any special areas of interest, and how you'd like to receive information from us.
Also, please feel free to share any suggestions on how we can better serve you.
Privacy Statement:
The information we collect is used for internal purposes only. We do not share your personal information with any other organizations for commercial purposes.
Copyright © NEWSBROKER® 2003. All rights reserved.